
2016 Year in Review

Phillip PeetUX/UI/Web Designer

It’s the silly season again which means family, friends, holidays, presents, pudding, ciders, crackers and our annual review.

For me personally, 2016 started off with a bang after my successful application for a new teaching role at Tractor – a specialist design school run by industry leaders. The highlight for me was working alongside Flyn Tracy on the User Interface (UI) commercial industry program. These classes spanned over 8 weeks and involved regular visits to top tier digital design agencies throughout Sydney. This was easily the best form of education I have been a part of as the courses offered an insight into sought after industry skills, practices and techniques. Sadly however this was short lived as Tractor publically announced in September that they would be closing their Sydney campus at years end. Despite Tractor closing I still intend to continue to teach for TAFE and deliver a range of website coding workshops out of General Assembly in Sydney.

Closer to home we managed to launch three new websites including Mount Annan Dental, JJames and Co. and EC Controls. We also worked with Fairfax Media on a digital campaign for South Australia Tourism. Titled “Along the way” the award winning website featured five captivating road trips to various iconic destinations throughout South Australia. For us the build presented numerous coding challenges. Most notably was the scroll magic function that formed the framework for image based elements and vector paths to only be exposed as the user scrolls beyond a certain point.

In between these projects we provided ongoing support and training for AdCentre, added a new payment gateway on the Slappas Thongs website, relaunched a new responsive website for Shack homewares and assisted The Lip Lab by adding blog functionality and new products onto their site. Can you also believe that amongst all of this I somehow slotted in a month long overseas trip.

Next year presents more opportunities for us to shine and none more so than the current crop of projects we are working on. These include a new build for Kent Town Cottage, Lafayette and VA Hire. We have also been appointed to work on a large scale website for John Paul Village – a residential aged care facility located south of Sydney, which we are looking forward to.

On behalf of all of us we want to thank you for your ongoing support and wish you all a safe, happy and prosperous new year. We will be taking a break from the office from Friday 23 December 2016 through to Monday 16 January 2017. During this time I will still be contactable via email for any urgent support issues.

Bring on 2017.